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This material has been prepared by Zodia Custody Limited or its subsidiary Zodia Custody (Ireland) Limited, Zodia Custody Australia Pty Ltd, Zodia Custody (Hong Kong) Limited, Zodia Custody (Singapore) Pte Ltd, each an indirect subsidiary of Standard Chartered PLC.
  • Zodia Custody Limited is incorporated in England and Wales with company number 12418687 and its registered office and principal place of business at 5th floor Holland House, 14 Bury Street, London, EC3A 5AW.
  • Zodia Custody (Ireland) Limited is incorporated in the Republic of Ireland with entity number 701983 and its registered address and principal place of business at 27 Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 2.
  • Zodia Custody Australia Pty Ltd is incorporated in Australia with company number 672775012 and its registered address at Level 61, Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia.
  • Zodia Custody (Hong Kong) Limited is incorporated in Hong Kong with business registration number 75718195 and its registered address at 5/F, Manulife Place, 348 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
  • Zodia Custody (Singapore) Pte Ltd is incorporated in Singapore with unique entity number 202339517D and its registered address at 9 Raffles Place, #2601 Republic Plaza, Singapore 048619.

NonRegulation of Zodia Custody and Services

As of the date of preparation of this material neither Zodia Custody Limited, Zodia Custody (Ireland) Limited, Zodia Custody (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Zodia Custody Australia Pty Ltd, nor any of the Services are subject to authorisation by any Authority with responsibility for financial services including, for the avoidance of doubt,

  1. in respect of Zodia Custody Limited, the UK Financial Conduct Authority), apart from Zodia Custody Limited’s registration with the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority with Firm Reference Number 928347 under the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (as amended) in respect of its activities in cryptoassets. Both the United Kingdom Financial Ombudsman Service and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme do not apply to the cryptoasset activities carried on by Zodia Custody Limited.
  2. in respect of Zodia Custody (Ireland) Limited, the Central Bank of Ireland, apart from ZCI’s registration with the Central Bank of Ireland with Firm Reference Number C453603 under the Criminal Justice Act 2010 to 2021 (as amended) in respect of its activities in cryptoassets;Virtual Asset service providers “VASP”s are “designated persons” for the purposes of the Criminal Justice Act 2010 to 2021 (as amended) and are required to comply with the AntiMoney Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) obligations; both the Central Bank of Ireland’s Deposit Guarantee Scheme and the Investor Compensation Scheme and the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) services do not apply to the cryptoasset activities carried out by Zodia Custody (Ireland) Limited.
  3. In respect of Zodia Custody (Singapore)_Pte Ltd, with the effect of the Payment Services Act (PSA) on the 4th April 2024, Zodia Custody (Singapore) Pte Ltd has notified the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) of its intention to apply for a PSA license within the timeline set by the MAS. Zodia Custody (Singapore) Pte Ltd will be applying for the PSA license to the MAS within the prescribed timeline of 3rd October 2024.
  4. In respect of Zodia Custody Australia Pty Ltd, the Australian Government is currently in the proposal phase of implementing a framework for regulating digital asset service providers, and which would apply to market participants carrying out activities in respect of financial products, including digital assets that are considered to be financial products. Once that is lear Zodia will submit an application for licensing
  5. In respect of Zodia Custody (Hong Kong) Limited it holds a Trust or Company Service Provider (TCSP) Licence, in Hong Kong, with license number TC009245 under section 53G of the AntiMoney Laundering and CounterTerrorist Financing Ordinance, Cap. 615 (“the AMLO”) with the TCSP Registry.
Zodia Custody Limited, Zodia Custody (Ireland) Limited, Zodia Custody (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Zodia Custody Australia Pty Ltd, Zodia Custody (Hong Kong) Limited and Standard Chartered Bank are members of SC Group. SC Group means Standard Chartered Bank and each of its holding companies, subsidiaries, related corporations, affiliates, representative and branch offices in any jurisdiction, and their respective directors, officers, employees and/or any persons connected with them. Standard Chartered Bank is authorised by the United Kingdom’s Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority.
This material is not research material and does not represent the views of the Standard
Chartered research department. This material has been produced for reference and is not independent research or a research recommendation and should therefore not be relied upon as such. It is not directed at Retail Clients in the European Economic Area as defined by Directive 2004/39/EC. It has not been prepared in accordance with legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research and is not subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead of the dissemination of investment research.

This material is for information and discussion purposes only and does not constitute an invitation, recommendation or offer to subscribe for or purchase any of the products or services mentioned or to enter into any transaction. The information herein is not intended to be used as a general guide to investing and does not constitute investment advice or as a source of any specific investment recommendations as it has not been prepared with regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person.

Information contained herein is subject to change at any time without notice and has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Some of the information herein may have been obtained from public sources and while SC Group believes such information to be reliable, SC Group has not independently verified the information. Any opinions or views of third parties expressed in this material are those of the third parties identified, and not of SC Group. While all reasonable care has been taken in preparing this material, SC Group makes no representation or warranty as to its accuracy or completeness, and no responsibility or liability is accepted for any errors of fact, omission or for any opinion expressed herein. The members of SC Group may not have the necessary licenses to provide services or offer products in all countries, and/or such provision of services or offer of products may be subject to the regulatory requirements of each jurisdiction, and you should check with your relationship manager or usual contact. Any comments on investment, accounting, legal, regulatory or tax matters contained in this material should not be relied on or used as a basis to ascertain the various results or implications arising from the matters contained herein, and you are advised to exercise your own independent judgment (with the advice of your investment, accounting, legal, regulatory, tax and other professional advisers as necessary) with respect to the risks and consequences of any matter contained herein. SC Group expressly disclaims any liability and responsibility whether arising in tort or contract or otherwise for any damage or losses you may suffer from your use of, or reliance of, the information contained herein.
This material is not independent of the trading strategies or positions of the members of SC Group. It is possible, and you should assume, that members of SC Group may have material interests in one or more of the financial instruments mentioned herein. If specific companies are mentioned in this material, members of SC Group may at times seek to do business with the companies covered in this material; hold a position in, or have economic exposure to, such companies; and/or invest in the financial products issued by these companies. Further, members of SC Group may be involved in activities such as dealing in, holding, acting as market makers or performing financial or advisory services in relation to any of the products referred to in this material. Accordingly, SC Group may have conflicts of interest that may affect the objectivity of this material.
You may wish to refer to the incorporation details of Standard Chartered PLC, Standard Chartered Bank and their subsidiaries at http://www.sc.com/en/incorporationdetails.html.
This material is not for distribution to any person to which, or any jurisdiction in which, its distribution would be prohibited.
© Copyright 2024 Zodia Custody Limited. All rights reserved. All copyrights subsisting and arising out of these materials belong to Zodia Custody Limited and may not be reproduced, distributed, amended, modified, adapted, transmitted in any form, or translated in any way without the prior written consent of Zodia Custody Limited.
Conflicts of interest disclosure
From time to time Zodia Custody Limited, including its subsidiaries, may establish relationships with carefully vetted thirdparty service partners to offer its clients access to complementary services within the digital asset ecosystem. Zodia Custody Limited may receive referral fees or other forms of compensation when its clients choose to utilise these services.
For further information, including a description of the controls employed by Zodia Custody Limited to manage potential conflicts of interest, please refer to Zodia Custody Disclosure Conflicts of Interest.

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